We just build a MTH30, the only thing that is not finished is the paint , we will go for a latex one as this box is going to be on a fixed location on a pub and I need a different color than duratex.
Initial impressions:
First and most important: This will be a very good first time build or if you have been a looong time out of woodworking smiley20 .
- For the size its very loud we were pretty amazed when you find the right spot and in this bar was a real pain.
- Clean bass this little beast will outperform most of the installs around the area.
- Only thing to check is be careful when using the PD Sb30 driver, if your using the 8 concealed holes be careful when punching them, use a big needle or whatever sharp object as you can damage the surround of the driver.
- And for gods sake dont use DM panel for mobile installs. We used it for the fixed but we dont want anyone moving this thinking is a chair.... :think:
The install consist in 8 LD coaxial boxes around the pub, sound was OK (after EQ) whitout the sub but the amps were working pretty hard at the most populated hours, so we decide for this sub and what a difference!, after running all the system thru a DSP processor and after test the MTH30, we were like :shock: , the amps were working at 20 or 30%?¿ hitting inside 80db (local law), and the SQ was very very nice.
Oh and some pics soon!
Big thanks to the designer and the Freespeakerplans users